Online Form - JK Foundation Sports Assistance Scholarship Application Form

The JK Foundation’s Sport Assistance Program exists to see athletes in regional areas be able to access resources and opportunities for competition, pathways and development in their chosen sport. The aim is to ensure that remoteness or resources are not a barrier to someone achieving their goals in sport and is particularly focussed on supporting those experiencing difficulty or disadvantage. The Sport Assistance Program is open to young people aged 12 to 18. 

Scholarships can include: 

  • Financial assistance for coaches, officials and competitors to participate in trials, training, competitions, and/or other sporting opportunities that develop them on pathways to higher levels in their sport. 
  • Mentoring and other assistance with elite sport performance and balanced pursuit of goals. 
  • Camps and opportunities to learn from elite sporting stars and coaches. 
  • Connection and support with other organisations and resources available. 

If you require support to reach your sporting goals, please complete this application form alongside an agency, organisation or sporting club that can support your application. You will be asked for references and contacts in the teams and clubs you are a part of. 

Criteria includes financial need, higher level sporting opportunities and desire, what support from the Foundation will enable, education participation and community sport involvement. 

***Please note, the JK Foundation Sports Assistance Program process is very flexible and we try to accommodate people as much as possible, however it generally takes at least 2 weeks or up to a month for us to process and consider your application. This also enables us to be a part of your sporting journey and preparation for pathway events. Please ensure you apply with enough time before your event for this process.

Borneo and Singa Cup Soccer tournaments - 2024 Update

In 2024 we will be changing the process and support available for these events. Applications for them will not be accepted until later in the year when new guidelines are released. Please do not apply for them until this has happened.

If you have any questions or need assistance to complete the application form, please feel free to contact the JK Foundation – A staff member will then be in contact to assist you with completing the form. 

Applications for assistance are available via the form below. 

Who is completing this form *
Gender *
Do you reside in regional WA *

Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your sporting pursuit?

Just a couple of sentences about:

  • What team or teams do you play for?
  • What team will this support be for? Is it a state team, or playing at a higher level?
  • What will support from the Josh Kennedy Foundation help you to do?
  • What do you like to do outside of sport or tell us a fun fact about yourself.

If you are not sure what to write, here is an example:

My name is Josh Kennedy and I am from Northampton. I play football for the Northampton Rams. My position is Full Forward. I am wanting to play in the AFL. This support will help me be able to play football at a higher level and be the best I can be. When I am not playing footy, I like fishing and being with my family.

Can you tell us what support you need from the Josh Kennedy Foundation?

Maximum size of ALL attachments is 976.56 MB
Do you need assistance with travel?
Will you need accommodation to do this?
Do you need any help with equipment or uniform?
Are you linked with any other organisations for support or training, such as the Midwest Academy of Sport or the Geraldton Sporting Aboriginal Corporation or a state sporting body?
Is there anything else the Josh Kennedy Foundation can do to help?

The Josh Kennedy Foundation wants to not just help the athlete but want to help you as a person. To help us with this, can you set a goal away from sport?

Examples: Get better grades in a subject, learn more about what I can do after school (TAFE/Uni/Appreceship), help coach a junior team or eat healthier

The Josh Kennedy Foundation often takes photographs and videos of students and staff for the purpose of sharing what the Foundation does. We provide participants/guardians the option to not allow the Josh Kennedy Foundation and its partners to take photographs/videos of them/their minor children for the purpose of promoting the Josh Kennedy Foundation. To exercise this option, check the box below and provide the information to Foundation staff. Participants are responsible for communicating their opt-out presence to the Foundation Staff:

Photography Consent *